Let Your Learning Begin

Overview of Your Journey

  • Get Accepted

    After you apply for the Community Business Academy, you will receive a notification from Rising Tide Capital about your status. Once accepted into the program, a next steps emails will be sent to you, ensuring clarity on how to prepare for your first day of learning. You will also receive useful tips and resources on how to engage in online learning successfully. If you have any updates to your contact information (especially to your email address), reach out to the CBA team right away.

    PRO TIP: Keeping the same email address throughout your learning experience will ensure we stay well connected.

  • Get Enrolled

    Our online Community Business Academy uses a learning management system that will house your experiential learning journey. About 1-2 weeks in advance of your first LIVE Zoom class, you will receive a welcome email notifying you of your enrollment. This email will provide you with step by step directions for logging into the system, setting up your password, and suggestions on personalizing your profile. The email address you gave to Rising Tide Capital, which will be the email addresses used in this communication, will be your username.

    PRO TIP: Be sure to keep your password secure.

  • Get Logged In

    Once you login, you will see an icon for you course. Click on that icon and start exploring! Spend time getting familiar with the navigation and different parts of the site. It is also a great time to personalize your profile with a photo and other details you may want to share. The more you do at the beginning, the more seamless your learning experience will be over the next 12 weeks!

    PRO TIP: Log in often before class starts, even if for 5 minutes a day. The more you use it, the easier navigating the site will be.

Time Management

Your time is extremely precious. Plan. Prioritize. Pace.

One of the best features of an online class is that you can stay connected to the material and the class conversation throughout the week. We suggest logging onto the system regularly, watching and re-watching videos, engaging in the discussion boards, and going deep the material. Everything you learn in the CBA can be directly applied to your business – so please take advantage of this unique opportunity by staying connected!

1-Week Before Class

One week before your Zoom session, you will receive access to the next set of videos. Watch early and often to start learning the new concepts and preparing for the Live Zoom Class.

1-Day Before Class

Watch all the videos for that week’s class and put the finishing touches on your homework. Completing both of these tasks before class is essential to maximizing your learning experience.

On Class Day

Find a good place for attending the Live Zoom Class. Show up on time and ready to connect with your classmates, your Instructors, and the classroom exercises.

Each Week

Get started on your homework as soon as possible. The classroom experience is built to help you directly apply what you learn to your business. The quicker you make the link between the Live Zoom Class and your homework, the better!

Homework Tips

Building Your Business Through Guided Questions

Start Early.

Get going on your homework as soon as possible following your Live Zoom Class. Homework is completed dedicated to applying knowledge to your business. The sooner you start, the stronger the link will be with the video learning, discussion and classroom exercises. 

Unlike many of our experiences of homework in school, homework in the CBA is entirely dedicated to direct application in your life --  and your business! Start to think about homework not as a “task to be completed” but as a chance to dedicate time to build your business.  

Stick with it. 

Learning the ins and outs of business takes time. Stay patient with yourself on your own learning journey and stay committed to the work. It will pay off! 

Reach out for help. 

Your instructor, site monitor and classmates are all there to support you on your learning journey. Connect with them to get questions answered or input on your ideas. 

Practice downloading and uploading BEFORE you fill out the digital homework. 

 It’s worth familiarizing yourself with the homework download and upload process before you do the actual homework. We don’t want any unneeded frustration from losing information in a digital file or being unable to find it on a phone or tablet!