How to look your best on video

➊ Lights

Start with lighting to help determine your location.
  • Front Light

    Light yourself mainly from the front, at eye level or slightly above, to keep it evenly distributed across your face. You can use a lamp, ring light, or natural light.

    Avoid having bright lights (or windows) behind or directly above you as they will cast shadows on your face.

  • Soft Light

    Use a "soft" light source, such as a lamp shade, to reduce glare and give a more pleasing look.

    Avoid glare if wearing glasses by placing lights above eye-line or tipping glasses slightly downward until lights do not reflect in them.

  • Window (Optional)

    If your on-camera appearance is during daytime hours and you have access to a window, you may want to sit facing a window. You can use shades or blinds to help "soften" the light to reduce glare.

    Avoid using for long sessions where the sun may dramatically change intensity.

➋ Camera

Use your camera to showcase your best.
  • Background

    Try to use a tidy looking room or a plain wall. Sit far enough away from your background so your body does not cast shadows against it.

    Avoid busy or distracting backgrounds.

  • Fill The Frame

    Sit close enough to the camera so mainly your head and shoulders fill the frame. Your eyes should appear in the top 1/2 of the frame.

    Avoid wearing logos or obvious brand names.

  • Eye Height

    Keep your camera lens at eye height or just above. If needed for built-in cameras, use a stable set of books or other props to raise your computer camera to eye level.

    Avoid looking down at a laptop or other camera.

➌ Sound

Sound can be equally important.
  • Quiet Room

    Choose a location that is relatively quiet where you will not be disturbed. Consider room noises like air conditioners or heaters, as well as interruptions like open doors.

    We recommend taping a note to your door saying, “Recording Underway, Please Do Not Enter.”

  • Microphone

    Test your device's microphone to make sure it sounds good. Some in-ear headphones, like Apple AirPods, may have higher quality mics that work with your computer.

    Avoid "over the ear" headphones.

  • Silent Mode / Mute

    Place all devices on silent or "do not disturb" well ahead of your session time. Remember to disable silent mode after your session is over.

    Leave your videoconference software on mute until you are ready to speak.

➍ Devices

Complete your setup.
  • Wired Connection

    For a more stable experience, try to use a wired Internet connection to avoid signal loss and drop-outs.

    We recommend fully restarting (rebooting) your device at least 1 hour before your session.

  • Keep Charged

    If using devices with batteries, such as laptops or microphones, charge them early and keep them charging (if appropriate) during your session.

  • Display Name

    Be sure to edit your "display name" (the name that appears on your video) to something appropriate and memorable, such as your first/last name and business name.

Bonus Tips

  • Touch up my appearance – If available, use the built-in "touch up my appearance" or similar feature of your software settings (ex: Zoom Settings).

  • Solid clothing – Choose solid clothing that compliments your skin-tone but does not compete with your background.

  • Test early and often – Use your software's test or "preview" feature before your call to make sure you sound and look your best.